Friday, January 14, 2011

Nightstand Secrets

1.  For starters, you know that I'm ridiculously egotistical (seriously, I have taken a picture of my nightstand and actually believe that you care).
2.  I'm a middle aged mom (young enough to have the art projects, but old enough to need two types of lotion).
3.  I am either so carefree that I don't care what time it is, or I'm so addicted to my iPhone (which incidentally does tell time) that I sleep with it under my pillow.
4.  I have opposable thumbs (otherwise I would not bother owning pens).
5.  I like to read but usually borrow books from the library.  You can see a library card sticking out of the book in front.  And you know I do not own that book.  Because if I had read it and become a highly effective person, I sure as hell wouldn't be taking pictures of my nightstand.
    So, what are the top five things I could learn from your nightstand???

    Saturday, January 8, 2011

    The Great Ice Bath Debate

    They say that the best way to recover from a long run is to take an ice bath.  It reduces inflammation, prevents soreness, and speeds up recovery.  Many runners swear by the ice bath method.  I even have a friend who claims she likes it!  Well, darling, I love ya, but YOU'RE WEIRD!  Seriously, after I have run for an arguably insane amount of time, I deserve a %@#$* hot bath.  What is your opinion???

    I don't know how many people will actually read this, but I hope at least my husband responds :)